VAT Returns

Get your VAT Returns in order and on time all thanks to Auditox. Preparing your VAT Returns, making sure they are accurately accounted for and after all that, then you need to submit your VAT Returns to HMRC! 

Here at Auditox, we are here to help you make this confusing and time-consuming task simpler, be it on a monthly, quarterly, or annually, you can be assured that we will take care of your information and deal with it accordingly. As any business owner knows, taking care of all the administrative duties can eat into the time you spend actually running your business!

What Is A VAT Return?

To simply put it, a VAT Return is a form that needs to be submitted to HMRC, which will give them the information on how much tax you will owe to them. You should only be submitting a VAT Return if you are making over the threshold defined by the UK Government (£85,000 in 12 months).

How Do They Work It Out? 

Your VAT Return will show how much VAT is due on your sales, subtracting the total VAT that you can claim back on purchases. The amount they come back to you with is the amount you owe HMRC.

What If I Make A Mistake?

You will most likely incur a penalty for not registering when you actually need to. If you are late when filing, based on the amount of time and austerity of the paperwork needed you can be possibly fined 2 to 15% of the total VAT on top.

If a particular major mistake is made or a mistake is made on purpose you can be fined the full amount due as well the VAT. But don't stress too much simple and honest errors can be only be given a warning. 

How We Can Help?

If you decide to use Auditox, we can help not only with registering and preparing your VAT Returns but also provide extra services that can make these pesky returns a breeze. Not only that we can submit your returns on your behalf and reclaim any rebate that you may be own to you. 

If you want to speak with a member of our team get in touch with the contact form above and we'll get in touch as soon as possible!


VAT Return services

VAT, or Value Added Tax, is something that not all businesses need to be aware of. If you have a VAT-registered business, however, then completing VAT Returns will become a frequent part of your life. Using Auditox Accountancy VAT Return services, you can leave your VAT Returns in safe hands so that you can focus on the important aspects of making your business a success.

VAT Return services

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax that is applied to most goods and services. The tax is paid by the consumer when they purchase these. Most people don't think about VAT in the UK when they are buying things because it is included in the price at a standard rate.

The standard rate of VAT is 20% but some goods and services (such as home energy) are charged at a reduced rate of 5% and others (such as children's clothes) have a 0% rate.

There are some VAT-exempt goods and services, such as charitable fundraising, selling and letting commercial properties, education/training, financial services, and postal stamps.

What is VAT?

What is VAT-registered?

VAT registered businesses will need to submit VAT Returns to HMRC every three months (known as the "accounting period"). Any business that has an annual turnover of more than £85,000 must complete their VAT registration but it is also possible for you to register voluntarily.

What is VAT-registered?

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What is a VAT Return?

The purpose of a VAT Return is for you to tell HMRC how much VAT you need to pay for the VAT period based on your sales of goods and services. These payments are generally made via Direct Debit.

When you are selling these goods and services, it is your responsibility to include the relevant VAT rate in your price. If you don't, HMRC will still assume that the final cost includes VAT.

When you pay VAT to HMRC, you are essentially passing on the VAT that the consumer paid for your goods and services to HMRC, so you aren't actually paying anything yourself.

Reclaiming VAT

As well as paying the amount of VAT you owe to HMRC, your VAT Return will also allow you to reclaim VAT. You can reclaim VAT on purchases of goods and services for your business, although there are strict rules about what types of purchases are eligible.

If you buy something that is partly for personal use and partly for business use, you can only reclaim the business portion. You will need to explain to HMRC how you came to your calculation about the percentage of business use.

There are some goods and services that you cannot reclaim. These include:

  • any goods and services you use to make VAT-exempt products and supplies
  • entertainment
  • business assets that have been transferred to you as a going concern

Making Tax Digital

HMRC is moving away from paper VAT Returns. Making Tax Digital means that you will need to keep digital tax records and submit your VAT Returns to HMRC using accounting software.

VAT schemes

There are various VAT schemes that can affect your VAT affairs, how much you need to pay, and your eligibility to reclaim VAT.

Flat-rate scheme

With the flat-rate scheme, you pay HMRC a fixed amount of VAT monthly. You can then keep the difference between the VAT your customers pay and the VAT you have paid to HMRC.

Under this scheme, however, you can't reclaim your business purchases, apart from certain assets worth over £2,000.

Margin rate scheme

Under this scheme, you pay tax on the difference between the amount you paid for an item and the amount you sold it for, as opposed to the full amount that you charged.

This scheme is suitable for businesses that sell second-hand goods, antiques, collectors' items, and artwork.

What is a VAT Return?

Why do I need VAT Return services?

VAT registration means that you will need to submit VAT Returns every three months, and every one of these VAT Returns needs to be accurate to avoid any unexpected bills or even penalties. Our VAT Return services are perfect for a small business, sole trader, limited company, and more.


Keeping your bookkeeping records up to date, submitting your quarterly returns, paying HMRC, and getting everything ordered for VAT reclaims can be a time drain. This is especially the case for sole traders or small businesses without an accountancy department.

By using our VAT Return services, our expert team of chartered accountants will prepare everything for your TAX returns, deal with payment, VAT calculations, and give you VAT advice. They have an in-depth knowledge of Making Tax Digital and will ensure that your VAT records are in the correct format.

Ensuring accuracy

Your VAT responsibilities are taken seriously by HMRC, so it is very important that your VAT Return and everything it contains is accurate and must be submitted on time. If it isn't, you may be subject to a VAT inspection and may need to pay a penalty if it is late or if there is a careless or seemingly deliberate mistake.

Because you have to hand in VAT Returns so often, using a VAT Return service can save you the stress and hassle of ensuring that everything in your VAT Return is accurate.

Our accountants will also be able to give you the right advice about what you need to include in your accounts, the purchases that you can reclaim, and help you to explain why, VAT sales issues, and any other VAT query.

Using a local accountant who has a deep understanding of VAT rules and regulations will mean that you never put a foot wrong when submitting your tax returns, and you will also have the benefit of having expert advice any time you need it.

Business advice

As well as submitting your VAT Returns accurately and efficiently, we can also help with business advice related to VAT. We can give you advice about whether it's a good time to de-register or register for VAT and whether you would be eligible for a VAT scheme.

Smaller businesses without an accountant employed may miss some of these opportunities to increase their cash flow and support their business.

Other accountancy services

Another benefit of working with us is that you will also be able to access our full range of accounting services. Because we will already have a relationship with you and a clear understanding of your business, we can get up to speed with any other accounting issues you have quickly and efficiently.

Whether it's payroll services, self-assessment issues, general accountancy queries, or any other areas, our team of qualified and experienced accountants will be able to help you.

Why do I need VAT Return services?

What do I need to do?

Once you register for VAT and have your VAT number to hand, we will be able to act as agents on your behalf to HMRC. This means that we can fill out and submit your VAT Returns using the correct software. You will receive a copy of your VAT Return once we have completed it for your records.

If you think you could benefit from our VAT Return services, contact us today for a free consultation. Our expert team will have a chat with you to understand your business and your VAT needs. Based on this, we will determine what VAT services you would most benefit from and we will explain the process to you in greater detail.

We will also give you a fixed quote for these services. A fixed quote means that you will know exactly how much your fees will be every month, to avoid any surprises.

Our clients benefit from our VAT Return services, not just for their company, but also on a personal level. Having a qualified accountant deal with the government and navigate the sometimes murky world of UK VAT rules and regulations on your behalf can be a huge weight off your shoulders and can leave you with more free time to dedicate to your business and yourself.

So that's all you need to do: register for VAT, hand over the reins to our qualified and experienced team of accountants and feel safe in the knowledge that your VAT Returns will always be on time and accurate.

Here at Auditox Accountancy, we look forward to hearing from you and working together to help make your business a success.

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VAT Returns FAQs

Interest on underpaid or overpaid VAT

How to submit your return

How do I calculate my VAT return?

What is a VAT return?

VAT Returns FAQs

Interest on underpaid or overpaid VAT

How to submit your return

How do I calculate my VAT return?

What is a VAT return?

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